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Frangi Bunny
Frangi Bunny
Hello, I'm Frangi Bunny. I'm a bunny, not a piggy.
I work for a small company called "Frangipani Garden" in Second Life.
I'm really busy everyday, but I like what I do.
I think I'll open a daily record of my work.

Hammy (1)
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P.S. 元気です We Are Doing Good...

Hello, I'm Frangi Bunny. I once worked for *Frangipani Garden*.

こんにちは、私、フランジバニー。 かつてはフランジパニガーデンの社員でした。

We lost everything and became vagabonds...And...
One day we arrived on a desert island. Max pitched a tent here and made a fire.
I caught fish in the sea and grilled them. We survived in this way.

土地もお店もすべてを失った私たち。 放浪の末にたどり着いたのは、とある無人島。

Water is very valuable now. When we feel thirsty, we crack the coconut,
and get the coconut milk. Ooh, yummy!

お水はとっても貴重なので、 喉が乾いたらココナッツを割って飲むの。 美味しいよ!

Max still keeps silent and looks sullen, but he shows no sign of going back to his parents' home... I wonder if he will stay with me...? Oh....What a relief!

私と一緒にいてくれるのかな? 嬉しいな。

I think we stay on this desert island only temporarily.
But if you happened to be in the neighborhood, just drop by our place!

こんな私たちの仮住まい、 なんのおもてなしもできないけれど、 近くに来たら是非、 寄って行ってね!


Posted by Frangi Bunny at 00:10Comments(0)


Good-Bye, Frangipani Garden

Hello, I'm Frangi Bunny. I work for *Frangipani Garden*.
No...I once worked for Frangipani Garden.
Today we are moving. We have to part with our land and store, our Frangipani Garden.
Now we only have a small sum of money. We really worked hard peddling watermelons.
But we wasn't able to make enough money to get back our property.

こんにちは、私、フランジバニー。 フランジパニガーデンの社員です。
今日は私たち、お引越しの準備をしています。 とうとうお店も土地もすべて手放さなくてはなりません。

Our property was bought at auction by Mask de G Real Estate for hundreds of thousands of Linden dollars. We were made homeless. Now what should we do?

ホームレスとなってしまった私たち、 これからどうしたらいいのかなぁ。。。

Max says nothing watching the sea...
I wonder if he goes back home, to his father's place... Am I left alone again?

マックスはお父さんの所に帰るのかな? 私、また一人ぼっちになっちゃうのかな?

I'm sure my boss will be shocked when she gets back, and will be furious...
I'm sorry, Boss....Forgive me...And...Good-bye, our Frangipani Garden...

社長、 放浪の旅から帰ってきたらびっくりするね。。。。
きっとめちゃくちゃ怒られちゃうだろうな。。。 ごめんなさい、社長。。。
そして、さようなら、 私たちのフランジパニガーデン。。。

( 以下は子ブタの記録用アルバムです )

Memories of Frangipani Garden

(Landscape of Frangipani Garden / フランジパニガーデン全景)

(Housing for employees / 従業員宿舎)

(Souvenir shop / お土産屋さん)

(Watermelon field on the water / スイカ畑)

(Cafe de Piggy / カフェ・ド・子ブタ)

Thanks for everything. Now we have no land, no store.
We hope we can see you again someday, somewhere.



Posted by Frangi Bunny at 00:10Comments(0)


マスク・ド・G Mask de G

Hi there! I am G... For a certain reason, I want to remain anonymous.
So everybody calls me "Mask de G".
From a certain source, I got an information about Frangipani Garden.
Surprisingly, their property will be sold at auction! Above all, their land faces Linden Sea and Linden Road, it is especially great! What on earth is the matter with them?

やあ、みんな。 私の名はG。。。 訳あって匿名希望だ。 マスク・ド・G とでも呼んでくれ。

Besides, they have a hot spring in their field.
They don't make that public, but I know that.
Sometimes I steal in there and just have a quick bath. Oh, it's so nice!

泉質は塩化物泉、伊豆や熱海のような湯冷めしにくい、ってやつだね。 ふぅ、極楽極楽。

I will make hay while the sun shines and get these great things at auction!
I have a sister who is a jewelry merchant, and she is a real go-getter.
So we've got money to burn! Now let's get down to business!

とにかく、ここを入手しないという手はないぞ。 実は姉がやり手の貴金属ブローカーでね。
金は腐るほどあるのだよ。 では、さっそく準備に取りかからねば!


Posted by Frangi Bunny at 00:10Comments(0)


子ブタの決意 Piggy's Resolution

Hello! I'm Frangi Bunny. I work for *Frangipani Garden*.
Today we received a notice of an auction that is about our property.
We need to prepare enough money to get it back by that auction day.

こんにちは! 私、フランジバニー。 フランジパニガーデンの社員です。

How lucky we are! We have a good crop of flower watermelon this year!
So Max and I decided to peddle them during the day.


Sometimes common watermelons that have no flowers come out. But they are not marketable. I think I'll make watermelon juice and serve it at our cafe, at night.
I'll work hard and make much money! I'm sure we will get back all our things soon!

私、頑張る! たくさんお金を稼いで絶対にうちのお店と土地を取り戻すよ!


Posted by Frangi Bunny at 00:10Comments(0)


カフェ・ド・子ブタ Cafe de Piggy

Bonjour, SLMaMe Beauties! I'm Prince Maxim de Croissant. You can call me Max.
My father doesn't allow me to use a credit card, so I need to make money by myself.

ボンジュール! ソラマメ読者の可愛い子ちゃん達。 
僕はプリンス・マクシム・ド・クロワッサン。 マックスと呼んでくれたまえ。

So I've been thinking about running a cafe where the guests can hug&kiss a piggy.
It seems that breedable pets (cats, bunnies, horses and so on...) are very popular in Secondlife. There must be many Piggy-Lovers too. I think we will attract a lot of people, and success in business. I'm sure we will be able to get our store back soon!


And do you see the beautiful sea, flower watermelons, and a flying pink squid below?
Don't you think it's so wonderful view? Oh, I never thought I had a talent for business! Now I think I'll give Piggy a bath...

おまけに見てくれこの立地、眼下に海と花柄スイカ畑。 ピンクのイカも飛んでるぞ。
いやーまいったな、僕って商売の才能もあったのか。 さーて子ブタを風呂にでも入れてくるかな。

Hello! I'm Frangi Bunny. I work for *Frangipani Garden*.
Max said that I looked tired with everyday's hard work, and he prepared a bath for me.
Oh...I never thought he would do such a kind thing...he seems like a good person.

こんにちは! 私、フランジバニー。 フランジパニガーデンの社員です。
マックスがお風呂を沸かしてくれました。 毎日泥だらけになって働いて疲れているだろうって。

And he built a small cafe to make more money. Oh, nice!
I think I had got him wrong. He is actually a nice guy!
Everybody, why don't you come over and see Max? You are all welcome!

それに少しでもお金を稼げるようにと、ここにカフェを作ってくれたんだよ! 嬉しいな!


Posted by Frangi Bunny at 00:10Comments(0)


商品を取り戻せ!Get Back Our Stuff !

Hello! I'm Frangi Bunny. I work for *Frangipani Garden*.
Pumpkin Girls, they are our secret agents, told me that there was no watch at night.
So today I'm here to get back our stuff.

こんにちは! 私、フランジバニー。 フランジパニガーデンの社員です。

Um? I placed pumpkin girls here the other day...but now...where are they?
Oh well...Carrying our stuff out is a top priority, I have to do that immediately.

あれれ? ここに置いておいた、カボチャガールの皆さんはどこに行ったのかしら?


Hi, everybody. I'm Shooty, a receiver. And this is my pet cat, Kitty-chan.
Well, it seems that a burglar broke into the store I had seized last night...

やあ、諸君。 私は管財人のシューティ、これは私の愛猫のキティちゃんだ。

There's nothing in that store anymore.
We already transfered all stuff to our another warehouse.
I'll just give you a tip...To make your business successful, you need the ability to foresee the future.

店舗はすでに空っぽだ。 とっくにここの厳重管理の保管庫に移動済みだぞ。
君たちも覚えておくといい。 戦いとは常に二手三手先を考えてするものなのだよ。

By the way, how big these pumpkins are...I wonder if they are edible...



Posted by Frangi Bunny at 00:10Comments(0)